On May 25th, the Doc/Postdoc committee organized the annual Team Building day, where the group of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from the center had the opportunity to enjoy a day in La Colmiane, a mountain destination in the Alpes-Maritimes. The day was filled with exciting outdoor activities, including the longest zip line in Europe, summer sledding, and the challenges of the Accrobranche Forest.

The day began with an exhilarating experience on the longest zip line in Europe. Soaring over the impressive mountain landscape was a challenge that helped participants overcome their fears. After that, we headed to the summer sledding track. This activity allowed team members to enjoy speed and excitement, controlling their sleds along a winding track. The afternoon was dedicated to activities in the Accrobranche Forest, where we faced a series of high-altitude obstacles: from hanging bridges to zip lines and nets.

In summary, the team-building day in La Colmiane was a great experience that not only provided adventure and fun but also helped us get to know each other better and promote teamwork.

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