Authors Botton T, Yeh I, Bastian BC
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research Dec 2014
Hypoxia inhibits Cavin-1 and Cavin-2 expression and down-regulates caveolae in adipocytes.Authors Regazzetti C, Dumas K, Lacas-Gervais S, Pastor F, Peraldi P, Bonnafous S, Dugail I, Le Lay S, Valet P, Le Marchand-Brustel Y, Tran A, Gual P, Tanti JF, Cormont M, Giorgetti-Peraldi S
Endocrinology Dec 2014
Regulation of NADPH-dependent Nitric Oxide and reactive oxygen species signalling in endothelial and melanoma cells by a photoactive NADPH analogue.Authors Rouaud F, Romero-Perez M, Wang H, Lobysheva I, Ramassamy B, Henry E, Tauc P, Giacchero D, Boucher JL, Deprez E, Rocchi S, Slama-Schwok A
Oncotarget Oct 2014
Prophylaxis of bacterial infections in cirrhosis: is an optimal 25-OH vitamin D level required?Authors Anty R, Anstee QM, Gual P, Tran A
Journal of hepatology Oct 2014
Consensus guidelines for the detection of immunogenic cell death.Authors Kepp O, Senovilla L, Vitale I, Vacchelli E, Adjemian S, Agostinis P, Apetoh L, Aranda F, Barnaba V, Bloy N, Bracci L, Breckpot K, Brough D, Buqué A, Castro MG, Cirone M, Colombo MI, Cremer I, Demaria S, Dini L, Eliopoulos AG, Faggioni A, Formenti SC, Fučíková J, Gabriele L, Gaipl US, Galon J, Garg A, Ghiringhelli F, Giese NA, Guo ZS, Hemminki A, Herrmann M, Hodge JW, Holdenrieder S, Honeychurch J, Hu HM, Huang X, Illidge TM, Kono K, Korbelik M, Krysko DV, Loi S, Lowenstein PR, Lugli E, Ma Y, Madeo F, Manfredi AA, Martins I, Mavilio D, Menger L, Merendino N, Michaud M, Mignot G, Mossman KL, Multhoff G, Oehler R, Palombo F, Panaretakis T, Pol J, Proietti E, Ricci JE, Riganti C, Rovere-Querini P, Rubartelli A, Sistigu A, Smyth MJ, Sonnemann J, Spisek R, Stagg J, Sukkurwala AQ, Tartour E, Thorburn A, Thorne SH, Vandenabeele P, Velotti F, Workenhe ST, Yang H, Zong WX, Zitvogel L, Kroemer G, Galluzzi L
Oncoimmunology Oct 2014
Forkhead box O3 (FOXO3) transcription factor mediates apoptosis in BCG-infected macrophages.Authors Haoues M, Refai A, Mallavialle A, Barbouche MR, Laabidi N, Deckert M, Essafi M
Cellular microbiology Sep 2014
Glucose metabolism is inhibited by caspases upon the induction of apoptosis.Authors Pradelli LA, Villa E, Zunino B, Marchetti S, Ricci JE
Cell death & disease Sep 2014
The ω6-fatty acid, arachidonic acid, regulates the conversion of white to brite adipocyte through a prostaglandin/calcium mediated pathway.Authors Pisani DF, Ghandour RA, Beranger GE, Le Faouder P, Chambard JC, Giroud M, Vegiopoulos A, Djedaini M, Bertrand-Michel J, Tauc M, Herzig S, Langin D, Ailhaud G, Duranton C, Amri EZ
Molecular metabolism Sep 2014
The small heat shock protein B8 (HSPB8) confers resistance to bortezomib by promoting autophagic removal of misfolded proteins in multiple myeloma cells.Authors Hamouda MA, Belhacene N, Puissant A, Colosetti P, Robert G, Jacquel A, Mari B, Auberger P, Luciano F
Oncotarget Aug 2014
Caloric restriction and cancer: molecular mechanisms and clinical implications.Authors Meynet O, Ricci JE
Trends in molecular medicine Aug 2014