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Early oral exposure to house dust mite allergen through breast milk: A potential risk factor for allergic sensitization and respiratory allergies in children.

Auteurs Baïz N, Macchiaverni P, Tulic MK, Rekima A, Annesi-Maesano I, Verhasselt V,

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology Août 2016

BCL-B (BCL2L10) is overexpressed in patients suffering from multiple myeloma (MM) and drives an MM-like disease in transgenic mice.

Auteurs Hamouda MA, Jacquel A, Robert G, Puissant A, Richez V, Cassel R, Fenouille N, Roulland S, Gilleron J, Griessinger E, Dubois A, Bailly-Maitre B, Goncalves D, Mallavialle A, Colosetti P, Marchetti S, Amiot M, Gomez-Bougie P, Rochet N, Deckert M, Avet-Loiseau H, Hofman P, Karsenti JM, Jeandel PY, Blin-Wakkach C, Nadel B, Cluzeau T, Anderson KC, Fuzibet JG, Auberger P, Luciano F

The Journal of experimental medicine Août 2016

Atad2 is a generalist facilitator of chromatin dynamics in embryonic stem cells.

Auteurs Morozumi Y, Boussouar F, Tan M, Chaikuad A, Jamshidikia M, Colak G, He H, Nie L, Petosa C, de Dieuleveult M, Curtet S, Vitte AL, Rabatel C, Debernardi A, Cosset FL, Verhoeyen E, Emadali A, Schweifer N, Gianni D, Gut M, Guardiola P, Rousseaux S, Gérard M, Knapp S, Zhao Y, Khochbin S

Journal of molecular cell biology Août 2016

Involvement of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and inflammasome pathway in molecular mechanisms of fibrosis.

Auteurs Robert S, Gicquel T, Victoni T, Valença S, Barreto E, Bailly-Maître B, Boichot E, Lagente V

Bioscience reports Août 2016

Compounds Triggering ER Stress Exert Anti-Melanoma Effects and Overcome BRAF Inhibitor Resistance.

Auteurs Cerezo M, Lehraiki A, Millet A, Rouaud F, Plaisant M, Jaune E, Botton T, Ronco C, Abbe P, Amdouni H, Passeron T, Hofman V, Mograbi B, Dabert-Gay AS, Debayle D, Alcor D, Rabhi N, Annicotte JS, Héliot L, Gonzalez-Pisfil M, Robert C, Moréra S, Vigouroux A, Gual P, Ali MMU, Bertolotto C, Hofman P, Ballotti R, Benhida R, Rocchi S

Cancer cell Juil 2016

How does metabolism affect cell death in cancer?

Auteurs Villa E, Ricci JE

The FEBS journal Juil 2016

Protective mitochondrial transfer from bone marrow stromal cells to acute myeloid leukemic cells during chemotherapy.

Auteurs Moschoi R, Imbert V, Nebout M, Chiche J, Mary D, Prebet T, Saland E, Castellano R, Pouyet L, Collette Y, Vey N, Chabannon C, Recher C, Sarry JE, Alcor D, Peyron JF, Griessinger E

Blood Juil 2016

Experimental infection of Phlebotomus perniciosus by bioluminescent Leishmania infantum using murine model and artificial feeder.

Auteurs Cannet A, Akhoundi M, Michel G, Marty P, Delaunay P

Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Jul 2016

Twelfth Annual Meeting of the French Society of Cell and Gene Therapy.

Auteurs Verhoeyen E, Gomez S, Galy A, Ayuso E, Midoux P, Pucéat M, Vassaux G, Cordelier P

Human gene therapy Juil 2016

Let-7i-5p represses brite adipocyte function in mice and humans.

Auteurs Giroud M, Karbiener M, Pisani DF, Ghandour RA, Beranger GE, Niemi T, Taittonen M, Nuutila P, Virtanen KA, Langin D, Scheideler M, Amri EZ

Scientific reports Jun 2016